mandag den 24. december 2018

Forever Married

ou are about to make a commitment that will stand you the rest of your life

You are about to make a commitment that will stand you the rest of your life. You are just now beginning to realize how much of a miracle marriage is. How two people that have so many differences can be attractive to each other have puzzled families and friends for centuries. There are so many opposite viewpoints that must be congealed into a oneness created by God. But the basic foundations of life are alive in both of you. You both have a deep belief in God and an understanding of your purpose in life, you both have a desire to do what is right.

Read more about weddings here

Remember, your husband is created in Godís image, likewise you are created in the image of your husband. This may seem to be incredulous right now, as you look at the differences between the two of you and your likes and dislikes, but it is true because God said it. "Woman is created in the image of man," this was made so at the beginning with Eve, it was formed in you by the work of your father, it will continue to take place under the guidance of your husband. In the not so far distant future others will look at you and your husband and marvel at how you mirror each other. This is the way God designed it. Eve was created in the image of man, but not just any man, she was in the image of her husband. Likewise wives are to be in the image of their husbands.

Be assured, this is a lifelong commitment

Be assured, this is a lifelong commitment that you are going to make. It is a vow that will live through the ages through yourself and through your children. (Consider and be amazed at the impact this decision will have from this generation forward. )
God hates divorce, he stresses this repeatedly.
God wants godly fruit.

In Genesis God commands Adam and Eve to be fruitful. In Malachi He states it plainer: "Has not [the LORD] made them one? In flesh and spirit they are his. And why one? Because he was seeking godly offspring. So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith with the wife of your youth."
Remember, guard yourself in spirit. This is not only in your marriage, but also in your life. It is the spirit that should master the body, if you can control the spirit you will also master the other parts of your life. It is in your life that Godís glory will be displayed. We are created to bring glory and pleasure to God. Our steps, our deeds and our actions, our words and our attitudes must bring glory to God. As Christians we are to be a "peculiar people." Does this mean being different? Yes, we are a light of righteousness in an unrighteous world. This means basing our decisions upon Godís word. Inevitably this may mean making our friends and many of our family unhappy with us.

However, this does not mean going against your husbandís wishes because you perceive a certain action to be more righteous. This is not the position God has placed you. God has placed your husband in charge of making the decisions regarding his family and you. Your job is to honor and submit to him.

You might have expected me to write a list of rules and regulations

You might have expected me to write a list of rules and regulations. All the rules in the world could not cover all the different situations that you might encounter in life. God has given us His precepts through His word and that is sufficient. It is not for me to interpret and editorialize Godís word, determining what you must and must not do, what clothes you are to wear, or what food you are to eat. That is something for you and your husband to discover, but remember, the final decision is your husbandís. Instead, Iím enclosing a general outline of Godís instructions.

He told us that wives are to submit to their husbands, there are no contingencies to that order. Likewise children are to obey their parents. Again, there are no contingencies, this is the way that it is supposed to be. Through it all keep in mind that the "Word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any two edged sword, piercing to the diving asunder of the soul and spirit, and of the joint and marrow. And is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

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